
Startups are hard. 99% of them fail to execute on the right priorities. Everyone “gets things done” but they aren’t the right things. If each team member prioritizes the right tasks, and then each day completes 1-3 of them, the entire organization will be in the 1%. This is how we win: by boring, incremental, steadfast execution.

The Model

  1. Every quarter, we set OKRs for every part of the organization. These OKRs are all downstream of our mission and vision.
    1. These OKRs are set in a quarterly OKR meeting. These OKRs have a DRI (directly responsible individual) and a Due Date, and are evaluated each week in team and individual meetings. These OKRs are made public to everyone. If progress toward OKRs is not meeting expectations, we give feedback in meetings as laid out in How We Give and Receive Feedback.
  2. Each week, the OKRs determine what we work on. Weekly priorities and “projects” will be downstream of those OKRs. Ongoing “projects” and priorities should all be tracked in Notion for each part of the organization.
    1. At the start of the week, everyone states their top priority for the week (only one sentence) in a Slack Channel that is devoted to this. This should be the most important thing for you to get done in the week if nothing else gets done. This is tied to moving the needle on an OKR.

      1. For detail on this, see the following:

        Top Goal

    2. This top priority will ideally be in your Zone of Genius.

    3. Week by week, decisions will be made based on How We Decide.

  3. At the end of the week, you will state your progress toward your top priority in the same Slack Channel and how that OKR is tracking.
  4. Monthly we will have a full-team meeting to review progress on OKRs.