
  1. Be clear and concise.
  2. Over-communicate. Leverage Notion & Slack & Loom. If it feels like you’re communicating more than is necessary, then you’re doing it correctly.
    1. It is each of our responsibilities to manage our “inbox” of communications — if you receive a message, read and respond to (or acknowledge) the communication.
  3. Default to Notion & Slack & Loom instead of a meeting. Async is often more efficient than sync.
    1. Default to Notion instead of Google Docs, but if you use a Google Doc, link to it in a Notion page so that we have it in one place and are not constantly searching for Google Docs.
  4. Meetings are guilty until proven innocent. Meeting time should not be used for “updates” — that should be done async. Only discuss stuff in meetings that cannot be done async, as defined in How We Meet (Or Not).
  5. Document Everything — If it’s not in Notion, it doesn’t exist.
    1. If it exists elsewhere and not in Notion, it doesn’t exist.
    2. “What should I document?” — Great question. Everything.
